File systems

A file system encapsulates the operations that can be performed on files and directories in a particular environment in HyperMake.

HyperMake provides a default file system implementation for the local file system (local), and has utilities to define file systems over common remote systems such as SFTP, AWS S3, and Azure Blob Storage.

Additionally, it is possible to define custom file systems for different environments.

In HyperMake, a file system is an object with various member functions defined.

Functions in a file system object

fs.rootA string specifying the root path of all HyperMake outputs. the file $file and outputs the content to stdout.
fs.mkdir(dir)Creates an empty directory $dir.
This should have the semantics of mkdir -p: it should create all parent
directories if they do not exist, and it should not fail if the directory
already exists.
fs.exists(file)Checks if $file exists in fs., dst)Creates a symbolic link at $dst that links to $src.
fs.touch(file)Creates an empty file at path `$file
fs.remove(file)Removes file $file in fs.
If $file is a directory, it should remove the directory and all its contents.
fs.upload(src, dst)Uploads the file or directory $src in local to $dst in fs., dst)Downloads the file or directory $src in fs to $dst in local.
fs.execute(command)(Optional) Executes the command $command in fs's shell.
This can be omitted if the file system does not support running commands.

There is no need to define local as it is internal to HyperMake. A reference implementation of local is provided below.

object local:
    root = "."
    def read(file):
        cat $file
    def mkdir(dir):
        mkdir -p $dir
    def exists(file):
        test -e $file
    def link(src, dst):
        ln -s $src $dst
    def touch(file):
        touch $file
    def remove(file):
        rm -r $file
    def upload(src, dst):
        ln -s $src $dst  # both local, so a symbolic link suffices
    def download(src, dst):
        ln -s $src $dst  # both local, so a symbolic link suffices
    def execute(command):
        bash -e $command

Example: define a file system over SFTP

import ssh
object my_server = ssh.server(host="...")

Example: define a file system over AWS S3

import aws
object my_bucket = aws.s3(name="...")

Example: define a file system over Azure Blob Storage

import az
object my_container = az.storage_blob(name="...")

Transferring file between environments

Sometimes different parts of a pipeline are run under different environments, e.g., data preprocessing may happen on a local machine, whereas training is done on an SSH grid, or on AWS EC2 or Azure ML.