
For the following tutorial sections, we will gradually build our pipeline.

In any ML pipeline, one starts with data. In this example, we will use the BEIR-14 subset (those with public licenses) of the BEIR benchmark.

We declare these datasets as a pipeline parameter BeirDataset:

beir_dataset = {BeirDataset: 
    msmarco scifact trec-covid webis-touche2020 
    fiqa dbpedia-entity fever nfcorpus hotpotqa 
    climate-fever scidocs nq quora arguana

Note the syntax for declaring a parameter: {ParamName: key0 key1 ...}. For each parameter, the first key is considered the default case -- here msmarco.

Now we want to download the raw data from their official location.

beir_url_prefix = ""

We proceed to write the first task of our pipeline: downloading the raw data and unzip it.

task raw_beir_data(beir_dataset=$, beir_url_prefix=$) -> out:
  wget -O $beir_url_prefix/$
  mv $beir_dataset out

We declared a task that takes two inputs: beir_dataset and beir_url_prefix, and produces an output directory out.

The syntax name=$ is a shorthand for name=$name. Here, beir_dataset=$ introduced the beir_dataset parameter as an input to the task.

The task is considered complete when its output directory out exists after the task exits with a zero status code.

In HyperMake, the success of a task is determined by

  • the existence of all of its specified outputs
  • AND the zero exit status code of the task script.

Note that

  • beir_dataset is a parameterized value: it can take any of the values in the BeirDataset parameter;
  • beir_url_prefix is a singleton (non-parameterized) value.

Hence the task raw_beir_data is parameterized with all the parameters in its inputs. Consider raw_beir_data not a single task, but a tensor of tasks, where it has dimension 1: the BeirDataset parameter.

Invoking the task

Let's invoke this task. To download the msmarco dataset, we run:

hypermake run "raw_beir_data[BeirDataset:msmarco]"

We will find the downloaded dataset in the out/raw_beir_data/default directory.

Note the task indexing syntax: task[Param0: key0, Param0: key1, ...].

Download another one:

hypermake run "raw_beir_data[BeirDataset:scifact]"

We will find the downloaded dataset in the out/raw_beir_data/BeirDataset=scifact directory.

The output directory will be out/<task-name>/<non-default-params>, where <non-default-params> is the URL percent-encoding of the key-value pairs.

Clearly we do not wish to invoke the downloading one by one. Let's use the wildcard *:

hypermake run "raw_beir_data[BeirDataset: *]" -j8

The -j flag specifies the number of parallel jobs to run. Here we run 8 jobs in parallel.

At this point we have downloaded all the datasets. We will proceed to the next steps in the following sections.