
At this point we have a pipeline that retrieves documents from a corpus using Pyserini. We have also evaluated the retrieval results with trec_eval. But there are a lot of runs: one for each dataset in BEIR-14. We would like to aggregate the evaluation results.

This is done by reduction in HyperMake: think this as reduce in functional programming, or .max(dim=i) in a tensor processing library.

Recall that at the end of the pipeline we have built thus far, the trec_eval output files are in the format of eval.txt for each dataset, under the variable $evaluate.out. We would like to aggregate the results over all datasets in BEIR-14. Additionally, there is more than 1 metric that we cared: for example, ndcg_cut_10, recall_100, map, and mrr.

We can define a new task aggregate_metric that takes the evaluation results of all datasets and aggregates them. The task definition is as follows:

metric = {Metric: ndcg_cut_10 recall_100 map mrr}

task aggregate_metric(
  eval_results=$evaluate[BeirDataset: *].out, 
) -> (out="aggregate.txt"):
  grep -E "^$metric " $eval_results/* > $out

Note here that we used $evaluate[BeirDataset: *].out to refer to the outputs of all evaluate tasks for each dataset in BEIR-14. The parameter eval_results, while logically is a dictionary from configurations to files, will be realized as a folder of files for the Shell script.

HyperMake maps a dictionary to a folder of files in the Shell script. This is a common pattern in HyperMake to handle multiple outputs.

  • dict[key] would be $d/$key in Shell.
  • dict.values() would be $d/* in Shell.
  • for key in dict would be for f in $d/* in Shell.